Privacy Statement

Save Data

With every visit to the internet site, the web server automatically recognises IP addresses.

When visiting our internet site, we store:

  • your e-mail address if you send a contact form
  • the domain name of other internet sites you consulted to search for our website
  • all information relating to the pages you have consulted on our internet site

This information is used:

The information is only used internally and is not shared with other organisations for commercial purposes.


On this internet site, we use cookies to improve the content of our internet site and to determine the number of visits to our internet site. A cookie is a small file sent by a web server that installs itself on your computer’s hard drive. This file keeps track of the internet site visited and contains some data about this visit.


If you do not (or no longer) wish to receive e-mails relating to A&S Expresse in the future, please contact us at the e-mail address